On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 2:48 AM, Ralf Haferkamp <rha...@suse.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 09:13:42AM -0600, Victor Lowther wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Ralf Haferkamp <rha...@suse.de> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > currenlty the provisioner barclamps sets up a polipo instance on the admin 
>> > node
>> > to act as a proxy for the client nodes (AFAIK to be able to access remote 
>> > package
>> > repositories). Is there any specific reason why polipo was choosen for 
>> > this?
>> > Instead of e.g. choosing apache2?
>> Mostly because I knew how to whip up a quick little recipe for polipo,
>> and I had never tried to use apache2 for that purpose.
> Using the apache2 cookbook we already have in the chef barclamp this turned 
> out
> to be pretty easy (at least easier then the effort it would take to  spin and
> maintain working packages for polipo on openSUSE):
> https://github.com/rhafer/barclamp-provisioner/commit/398de3b6c54fc4ed063574a75e8f9545a810508a
> This sets up an apache2 instance on the provisioner to take over the tasks of
> the proxy and the provisioner webserver (nginx on ubuntu AFAIAK). It is
> currently made SUSE only (but only because I couldn't test on other systems).
> It should be pretty straightforward to use this also on Ubuntu and Redhat
> systems.

ok. Set up a pull request, to swap out polipo for using apache as our
proxy, and I will test it on Ubuntu.

> It's probably not the best timing for such a change. But if we do it later I
> think it will be even more work.
>> > I am asking because I'd like to avoid adding a dependency to yet another 
>> > web
>> > server to crowbar (+openstack). Currenlty we already have apache2 and 
>> > nginx.
>> > Note: for our 1.x based release we avoided the use of nginx and used 
>> > apache2
>> > everywhere).
>> These days I would probably pick squid to use as a caching web proxy
>> based on issues I have had with polipo, but the rest of Crowbar does
>> not care at all about which proxy is being used.
> True. But it would mean an additional maintenance burden to add polipo into 
> the
> mix. Tracking upstream for criticial bugs and security problems, releasing
> package updates and so on. We have apache in crowbar so that seems to be an
> obvious choice.
> --
> Ralf

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