Hi Guillaume,

Yes, you can have multiple proposals for the same barclamp in Crowbar 1.x.  
Exceptions to this are for some of the barclamps that are core to Crowbar, such 
as the network barclamp, which limit themselves to 1 proposal.


From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Guillaume Polaert
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 3:52 AM
To: crowbar
Subject: [Crowbar] Question abourt multiple proposals


Can I have multiple proposals for one BC in the v1.x? For instance, I have two 
instances of the same service running on my cloud. Each has his own 
configuration (port, directories, etc.). Do I have to have 2 BC as "Service1" 
and "Service2" or can I have on BC with 2 proposals?
I read in the roadmap of Crowbar v2, we'll be able to deploy multi-OS but what 
about for the proposal?

Thanks, Guillaume

Guillaume Polaert | Cyrès Conseil

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