Dear guardians for the coreutils

I would like to sort some hundert lines like

host server1    programname is not running

host server2    programname is running

host server214b programname is running

host server300c programname is not running

host server2    programname is running

host server214b programname is running

host server1    programname is not running

host server300c programname is not running

I do have some quirky workarounds using other programs or with sort -k5 -r
but it took me a very long time to get to it

Therefore I am suggesting a

sort -text=STRING
               sort according to STRING

as example
sort -text="is running"  filename.txt

Beging compatible with other options like -n for numeric sort.

I am interested what you think about it and if a push request for source code 
would be accepted ?

Best Regards

Silvio Schneider
Service und Delivery Manager LINUX

Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund | Group IT | Limmatstrasse 152 | CH-8005 Zürich <>
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