I'm often using 'wc' for stuff that takes a long time, e.g. 'tar -tf big.tar | wc -l' to count the files in an archive. Here I am lacking some intermediate feedback from the process.
Does a "--progress" version of 'wc' exist? I am envisioning a continuous count with a simple line-wise overwrite a'la '\r'. I fail to find the option, and I don't find the feature request rejected https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/rejected_requests.html#wc I could potentially volunteer to implement it (but am happy not to). Regards, Joakim -- _______________________________________________________________ Joakim Lindblad, PhD, Docent E-mail: joa...@cb.uu.se Prof. Computerized Image Processing Phone: +46-733-168549 Dept. of IT, Uppsala University http://cb.uu.se/~joakim _______________________________________________________________ När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/ E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy