On Sun, 25 Aug 2024, Yair Lenga wrote:

In my case, I have to bulk-move about 2500 files. This is part of a recurring sync job that has to mirror an existing hierarchy into a new hierarchy with different naming rules.

It takes no time to create the mapping (even in bash script, case statement). When I "pipe" the mapping into "ln" (with xargs) it takes
>2 min to create the symlinks. Practically, all the time is spent on
launching "ln". With a custom perl script - it's 3 seconds.

The fork+exec time definitely adds up, although 2 min for 2500 instances seems pretty slow for Linux, even on old hardware.

Since the actual fs operations are apparently negligible in comparison (only 3 sec with your perl script), it'd be curious if you don't get a similar 2+ min time for running /bin/true 2500 times ...

        $ time echo {1..2500} | xargs -n1 /bin/true

I believe this function will have broader use cases:

Yeah the pairs mode sounds generally useful (even if it's only really a performance optimization) ... I can relate to occasionally writing one-off perl scripts for similar activities, because running ln for a long list of files one at a time runs annoyingly slow.

I researched Stack-Overflow before posting, and could not find any good Linux solution (other than custom scripts).

Depending on how the new file paths/names are structured, you might be able to get away with a combination of 'cp -al src/ dst/' (to copy the dir hierarchy and all the links in a single call to cp) followed by calling rename(1) as needed (possibly under find/xargs), if the name mapping is simple enough to express with text replacements.

... Alternatively, a more general purpose solution is to compile and load ("enable -f") the ln loadable builtin that comes with the bash sources. Then calls to 'ln' from bash will use a shell builtin rather than fork+exec'ing the external utility.

(Of course, I'd happily use the new pairs mode if added to cp/mv/ln.)


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