Dear GNU Team,
I like to see the following features / enhancements:
Add %z to help / man page. The numeric time zone sequence is not
mentioned by now.
Add additional basic ISO 8601 date formats to -d as follows:
%Y%m%dT%H%M%S (example: date -d "20240818T013200")
%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ (example: date -d "20240818T013200Z")
%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z (example: date -d "20240818T013525+0200")
and all three variants in addition with .%N for optional fraction of
second (example: date -d "20240818T013525.052+0200")
Those are are all the legal "basic format" of the ISO 8601 as described
I think they would be useful for linux/windows filename interoperability.
gruss / regards
Marc Gutt