[+coreutils ML]

On 2/8/24 17:43, aotto wrote:
> Hi, I write to you because of a suggestion from the "https://serverfault.com/"; 
Q&A side

you sent this to my personal email, so you're lucky this didn't land in spam.
Hence I'm hereby forwarding to the coreutils mailing list.

> subtract: add a "-m" switch to "ln" to support "mount -bind srcDir tgtDir"
> As reference please read:
> → 
> As original reference please read:
> → 
> mfg
>    aotto

ln(1) is the userland tool for the link/linkat system calls for hard links
and for the symlink/synlinkat system calls for symbolic aka soft links.
Both hard and soft links are persisted in the file system.

mount(1)-ing is a completely different matter, because it tells the kernel
to well, mount(2), one file system (or part of it) on another place, and
this is gone when the system reboots.

Therefore, I don't see any common point in this, and therefore adding such
a functionality to ln(1) is the wrong thing to do.

Have a nice day,

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