Hi Pádraig! Happy new year (belatedly ;-). Hope you're well. I'd like our generated announcements to be able to include base64-encoded checksums without having to recommend verifying them using openbsd's cksum, so...
I've begun writing the code to add --base64/-b support for GNU cksum, prompted by this thread: https://lists.gnu.org/r/diffutils-devel/2023-01/msg00015.html and the fact that OpenBSD already has this option (as -b): https://man.openbsd.org/cksum Two questions: - blake2b's tag is inconsistently capitalized. All of the other tags are all-caps versions of their lower-case strings, but this one is spelled BLAKE2b, with a lower-case "b" at the end. I presume this is desired. Likely too late to change to make it consistent. Arose while considering how to implement support for the "x" and "b" option suffixes, to denote "use hex" or "use base64" as encoding, while the usual default is of course hex, and --base64 changes that. Leading to my second question: - I'm inclined to work like the openbsd cksum and accept invocations like "cksum -a sha1x" and "cksum -a sha1b". Any objection? Also, comparing algorithms, openbsd has two that we don't: rmd160, sha512/256 I'm not interested in adding those in this diff, of course, but it may be something to consider for compatibility. What's the schedule for the next release? Assuming this is desirable, want to include it there? My own ETA is variable, depending on pressure/desire. I've written most of the code (but not yet suffix support) and minimal tests, but no documentation or NEWS.