Pádraig Brady wrote:
> > FAIL: tests/misc/dircolors
> > ==========================
> > 
> > dircolors.pl: test term-1: stdout mismatch, comparing term-1.2 (expected) 
> > and term-1.O (actual)
> > *** term-1.2        Sun Apr 10 17:58:03 2022
> > --- term-1.O        Sun Apr 10 17:58:03 2022
> > ***************
> > *** 1,2 ****
> > ! LS_COLORS='tw=40;33:';
> >    export LS_COLORS
> > --- 1,2 ----
> > ! LS_COLORS='';
> >    export LS_COLORS
> That suggests the $TERM env var has not been unset for this test.
> That should have been done by tests/envvar-check.

Indeed, it seems that the problem is more with the test framework
than with the 'dircolors' program. When I create a file named 'owt'

$ cat owt
TERM none
owt 40;33

then (in an interactive bash):

$ ./src/dircolors -b owt
export LS_COLORS

$ (unset TERM; ./src/dircolors -b owt)
export LS_COLORS

When I add an 'echo as_unset=$as_unset' statement to tests/envvar-check,
it prints
at each test run.

Concentrating on a single test run:
$ make check-TESTS TESTS=tests/misc/dircolors

When I add a line 'print "<<<$ENV{TERM}>>>\n" to tests/misc/dircolors.pl
and run the test, the file tests/misc/dircolors.log contains
So, somewhere the empty value for TERM must be replaced with the
value 'dumb'. Since build-aux/test-driver does not do anything with TERM,
my guess is that perl is the culprit. The perl version is 5.22.2.

When I add a line
  $ENV{TERM} = '';
near the beginning of tests/misc/dircolors.log, then the test succeeds.


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