Hi Rémi,

Thanks for your comments! I am not using any komi and had not given much 
thought to it. Although, I suppose by having black win most games, I'm 
depriving the network of its only learning signal. I will have to try with an 
appropriately set komi next...

>When I started to develop the Zero version of Crazy Stone, I spend a lot of 
>time optimizing my method on a single (V100) GPU
Any chance you've written about it somewhere? I'd be interested to learn more 
but wasn't able to find anything on the Crazy Stone website.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Saturday, January 25, 2020 5:49 PM, Rémi Coulom <remi.cou...@gmail.com> 

> Hi,
> Thanks for sharing your experiments.
> Your match results are strange. Did you use a komi? You should use a komi of 
> 9:
> https://senseis.xmp.net/?7x7
> The final strength of your network looks surprisingly weak. When I started to 
> develop the Zero version of Crazy Stone, I spend a lot of time optimizing my 
> method on a single (V100) GPU. I could train a strong network from scratch in 
> a single day. Using a wrong komi might have hurt you. Also, on such a small 
> board, it is not so easy to make sure that the self-play games have enough 
> variety. You'd have to find many balanced random initial positions in order 
> to avoid replicating the same game again and again.
> Rémi
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