
I assume after white plays at U22, black T20, white T19, black should
have a choice of playing either at S21, capturing one white stone and
leading the ladder to the top ko, or at S20, leading the ladder to the
middle ko.

However, if black plays at S21, the sequence:
wS20 bT21 wR20 bS22 wS23 bR22 wQ22 bR23 wR24

Results in a win for white, regardless of who is holding the top ko.

2018-06-22 0:27 UTC+02:00, John Tromp <john.tr...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Direct link to image: http://tromp.github.io/img/WO5lives.png
> Might be useful for go event organizers in need of arrow signs...
> regards,
> -John
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