Hi Ingo,

There is actually no randomness in the algorithm, just like AlphaZero's.
It is the same algorithm as a recursive alpha-beta searcher, with the only
difference being the rollouts version examines
one leaf  per episode (one path from root to leaf). This opens the door for
mixing alpha-beta with MCTS; some have already
used is an  MCTS-ab algorithm that does exactly this. At the leaves, I call
a qsearch() for evaluation whereas AlphaZero uses
Value Network (no playouts ).

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 2:20 AM, "Ingo Althöfer" <3-hirn-ver...@gmx.de>

> Hi Dan,
> I find your definition of "Alpha-Beta rollouts" somewhat puzzling.
> > Alpha-beta rollouts is like MCTS without playouts (as in
> > AlphaZero), and something that can also do alpha-beta pruning.
> I would instead define "Alpha-Beta rollout" in the following way:
> You have a fast alpha-beta program (with some randomness) for
> that game, and a rollout means a quick selfplay game of this
> program.
> Ingo.
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