I'm sorry, did I miss soemthing here? 
    On Friday, October 27, 2017, 5:46:19 AM EDT, Gian-Carlo Pascutto 
<g...@sjeng.org> wrote:  
 On 27-10-17 00:33, Shawn Ligocki wrote:
> But the data should be different for different komi values, right? 
> Iteratively producing self-play games and training with the goal of 
> optimizing for komi 7 should converge to a different optimal player 
> than optimizing for komi 5.
"For the policy (head) network, yes, definitely. It makes no difference
to the value (head) network."

The value network indicates whether the board leads to a win or not. This would 
certainly depend on komi, especially in the half-point games which seem to be 
the natural end result of how it selects moves? 

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