On 18/08/2017 20:34, Petr Baudis wrote: > You may be completely right! And yes, I was thinking about Deep Blue > in isolation, not that aware about general computer chess history. Do > you have some suggested reading regarding Deep Blue and its lineage and > their contributions to the field of AI at large?
I sure do. I *love* Hsu's papers, although it's hard now to imagine the context some of his statements were made in, 30 year ago, because we know the outcome. Back then, I'm sure many people thought he was a raving lunatic. His key idea was that, given ample of evidence program strength scaled fairly well with computer speed, we should make the programs faster. He did so by converting chess search to a literal hardware circuit, in an implementation that was both algorithmically more efficient, and faster, achieving about *3 orders of magnitude* improvement over what was then the state of the art. And then designing a parallel search that worked with it and scaled well enough. Saying that these "implemented existing methods" is factually wrong, and betrays a deep misunderstanding of the importance of computing power in AI research. But I'll get back to this, later. The original paper, "A Two-Million Moves/s CMOS Single-Chip Chess Move Generator" was published in 1987. In the conclusion, it states "The best chess machine now in existence is still about 400 to 500 rating points below the Human World Chess Champion. Earlier experimental evidence shows that each doubling in machine speed roughly corresponds to a 100 rating points increase...It is questionable that this remains true at high level play. But nonetheless with a potential 100-1000 fold speed-up at the door, *something interesting is probably about to happen*." In this PhD thesis, he goes further, and draws the scaling graph with Kasparov on it, at the end, and says in the introduction: "This dissertation is mainly a collection of exploratory work on what I call the "ultimate" chess machine - a chess machine that is capable of searching at least 100 million nodes per second and possibly beyond 1 billion nodes per second. Current evidence seems to indicate that such a machine will have an overwhelming chance of defeating the human World Chess Champion." He wrote that in 1989! Kasparov, the same expert whose claims about Go and chess started this very thread, had said the year before that no Grandmaster would be defeated in tournament play before the year 2000. That gives you some idea how outlandish Hsu's ideas seemed at the time. Or, for that matter, how reliable Kasparov's opinion is in these matters. Hsu achieved his goal in 1997, with 3 years to spare. Kasparov's response was to call him a cheater. Now, now, you might be thinking, was it all about speed? It was not - the above was just Hsu's shtick, who was one member of the team. But, do not for a moment make the mistake of underestimating just how important speed is. Do you know why, decades after having discarded them, we suddenly started using neural networks again, and, well, do they turn out to work well for Go now? It's because we have several orders of magnitude more computing power. Made possible by dedicated chips for neural network computations (OK, so maybe they were intended for computer games - turns out the functions are pretty similar, not to speak of TPUs). And Hsu? He's working on FPGA's at Microsoft, who're mainly using them to accelerate AI research and applications. In one of his last interviews, in 2007, he predicted that "world-champion-level Go machine can be built within 10 years." He got the details of the approach wrong, though. Others members also published several papers, i.e. Murray Campbell, Thomas Anantharaman and Andreas Nowatzyk. Nowatzyk has published the original automated evaluation tuning code used by Deep Though. It's available, together with an explanation, at http://www.tim-mann.org/deepthought.html This was significant, because software based programs at the time had to trade off evaluation terms for speed, so they mostly didn't have very few, and could rely on manual tuning. Existing methods, you say? Anantharaman's most known work is the publication of Singular Extensions. The contribution of this method is somewhat hazy - with Hsu admitting that they overestimated the initial gain from them due to measurement errors - but improved methods are in fact in use in current top of the line chess engines. Campbell has published on a bunch of subjects. A ton on parallel game tree search, and a method for biasing the tree search based on human games. We call that a policy net, nowadays. Ok, maybe I'm stretching a bit here. Now, in as to how these methods "contributed to the AI field at large", which I interpret as asking how well they generalize, that's an interesting question. But it's also an interesting question that you can ask of AlphaGo's contributions. Doing move prediction with a DCNN was first done by Clark and Storkey of the university of Edinburgh, though the timing (IIRC) indicated DeepMind was investigating the idea independently, and with a better technique (and more computing power, to repeat that pet peeve). Aside from that, the contribution (from my perspective) is the value net and how to combine it with MCTS. Value networks might have been described on computer-go before, but it's not fair to equate voicing an idea with demonstrating a high performance implementation of it, so as far as I can tell that was a novel, major breakthrough from Aja's team [1]. The combo of SL and RL for generating the value net data is interesting and AFAIK also novel, but it doesn't seem as essential to the result. So I think that, if you consider only the *new* techniques AlphaGo introduced, you're not going to find *that* much wide applicability either. It was more an effective demonstration that the RL and DCNN toolbox has become powerful enough to overcome problems once thought intractable. In other words, they showed of just how sharp their tools are. [1] While writing this, I noticed something interesting I hadn't seen before. Their paper concludes the value network is 200 ELO weaker than doing Monte Carlo rollouts when using the policy network, but it's 200 ELO stronger than Monte Carlo rollouts when using the fast tree policy. That almost looks like a mistake in the table. -- GCP _______________________________________________ Computer-go mailing list Computer-go@computer-go.org http://computer-go.org/mailman/listinfo/computer-go