>I haven't tried it, but (with the computer chess hat on) these kind of 
>proposals behave pretty badly when you get into situations where your 
>evaluation is off and there are horizon effects.
In computer Go, this issue focuses on cases where the initial move ordering is 
bad. It isn't so much evaluation/horizon.

For example, at some node moves A, B, C, and D are seen as the best move, but 
they all fail. So perhaps you invest 2000 moves in each, with a 40% win rate 
overall. Now you come to move E, which is best. In fact, E is a refutation, 
with a 70% win rate.

The question is: how long will it take before this node is considered to be 

The problem is that we started the node badly. When E is first explored, the 
node has 3200 wins, 4800 losses. Even with a 70% win rate, E needs 4000 trials  
(= 2800 wins, 1200 losses) just to get back to a 50% win rate.

But if you had explored E first, then this node would have been considered 
refuted after maybe a few hundred trials. There is literally a factor of 100 
difference in search efficiency.

This situation arises seems odd, but arises frequently. For example, if E is a 
winning move now, but becomes a losing move if played in the future. (For 
example, E is in a capturing race that is currently winning for the side to 
move first.) Unless E is tried early in the node's lifecycle, the RAVE score 
for E is very low.

>> I recall a paper published on this basis. A paper presumably about
>> CrazyStone: Efficient Selectivity and Backup Operators in Monte-Carlo 
>> Tree Search.

>I'm reasonably sure this did not include forgetting/discounting, only shifting 
>between average and maximum by focusing simulations near the maximum.

Yes, but emphasizing the maximum is equivalent to forgetting.

E.g., in my example, giving E a larger weight is equivalent to giving A, B, C, 
and D a lower weight (== forgetting).

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