Can anyone (starting with their author maybe) comment on the go
programs playing on KGS as the various "Golois" versions ?
In particular, I noticed that Golois2 KGS rank recently jumped from a
solid 1dan to a solid 6dan (actually now in the low 7dan in fast games,
15"/move time control; user's info :"Golois version 3.8").
Golois and Golois2 have been described by their author as greedy
players, based on a Res-Net policy network. So I'm wondering if the
currently Golois2 7dan is still based on greedy play (what sounds
amazing, even for 15s time control) or if it does incorporate some level
of tactical search.
In his papers "Residual Networks for Computer Go"
(http://www.lamsade.dauphine.fr/~cazenave/papers/resnet.pdf), "Improved
architectures for computer go" (https://openreview.net/pdf?id=Bk67W4Yxl)
and "Combining tactical search and deep learning in the game of Go"
(http://www.lamsade.dauphine.fr/~cazenave/papers/godeep.pdf) , Tristan
Cazenave's describes different versions of Golois, but it is not clear
for me while reading these papers and checking KGS archive users Golois%
what is behind each version. For example:
"We made the 20 layers residual network with bagging and a 58.5450%
accuracy play games on the KGS internet Go server. The program name is
Golois4 and it is quite popular, playing 24 hours a day against various
opponents. It is ranked 3 dan."
(http://www.lamsade.dauphine.fr/~cazenave/papers/resnet.pdf). However, I
don't find a Golois4 in KGS archive, only Golois, Golois2, Golois5,
Golois6 and Golois7 ...
Thanks and regards,
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