#re-sending because previous post was too long.

I'll use Hiroshi's NNGS server for the Go games in Computer 
Olympiad Leiden 2017.  #Thanks, Hiroshi.
Its URL is, port is 9696.

Currently planned schedule for 9x9, 13x13 and 19x19 Go follows. 
You can watch every game via any NNGS client, such as 
Jago.  Time is local (GMT+0200; with DST).
#It's five AM July 1st now in Leiden.

7/2 (Sun)       9x9, double round-robin, 4 participants
1000 - 1100     meeting and setup
1100 - 1200     round 1
1400 - 1500     round 2
1500 - 1515     break
1515 - 1615     round 3

7/3 (Mon)       19x19, round-robin, 4 participants
1400 - 1430     meeting and setup
1430 - 1600     round 1

7/4 (Tue)       no games

7/5 (Wed)       19x19 cont.
1400 - 1530     round 2
1530 - 1545     break
1545 - 1715     round 3

7/6 (Thu)       13x13, round-robin, 3 participants
1400 - 1430     meeting and setup
1430 - 1530     round 1
1530 - 1545     break
1545 - 1645     round 2

program account entry
CGI             cgi             all
EZGO    ezg             9x9
Golois  gol             19x19
Julie   jul             all
Zen             zen             all

Best, Hideki
Hideki Kato <>
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