Dear Aya,

I hope you still read this list and will answer a question once in a while even 
though AlphaGo has retired. On fb you answered Cho Seok-bins question "I heard 
that alphaGo master is 3stone stronger than sedol version.
Is it only rating deference? or did they have played with 3stone hadicap game?” 

        They played 3-stone handicap games with komi 0.5.

So I wonder how manage you overcome hardwired 7.5 Komi of the value network?

Another question floating around is how big the pool of games was from were the 
published 50 AlphaGo vs AlphaGo were selected from? And what was the selection 
criteria? Demis Hassabis mentioned that these were played with long time 
settings, so these don’t seem to be normal training games. Can you reveal what 
the actual time settings where? Were dedicated machines used for each AlphaGo?

Even if you can’t answer all question every answer is appreciated.

Thanks so much

David O.

Computer-go mailing list

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