Thanks to the new volunteers. I hope the new team will consider making the 
journal available online.


----- Mail original -----
De: "Ingo Althöfer" <>
Envoyé: Jeudi 5 Janvier 2017 21:32:55
Objet: [Computer-go] ICGA Journal with new Steam

Hello everybody,

as some of you know, I am Vice President of the ICGA
(= International Computer Games Association). After
a very long and successful period (over 30 years) with
Prof. Dr. Jaap van den Herik as Chief Editor, now a
new team will steer the Journal. The official statement
of the ICGA says:

With great pleasure we announce the continuation of communication 
of progress in our games community via the ICGA Journal.

All members who have paid their membership fee for 2016 can learn 
from this communication that they have paid already for the issues 
appearing in 2017. (Explanation: There were no issues of the Journal
in 2016.)


The main goal of this communication is to inform you that we have 
recently filled in the position of Editor-in-Chief of the ICGA Journal 
by an excellent researcher from Taiwan. Two new board members will 
support him and also an editorial manager will help with the daily activities.

Moreover, we have an Editor for the second part of the Journal, containing 
the Reports and Issues of General Interest, and an Editor for General ICGA 
For their publication the ICGA cooperates with IOS press, Amsterdam, the 


Starting at January 1, 2017 
The ICGA Journal is in the hands of

Professor I-Chen Wu
Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University
TEL: +886-3-5731855 FAX: +886-3-5733777
who will act as Editor -in- Chief.

He will be seconded by 
Dr. Mark Winands 
Maastricht University 
Maastricht, the Netherlands
Dr. Tristan Cazenave 
Dauphine University, France  

The Editorial Manager will be 
Tinghan Wei
Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University.

Papers submitted to the ICGA Journal (see below) will finally go through him.
They will undergo a full peer review process, 
The IOS press will help the ICGA with their system.

The Editor for the second part of the ICGA Journal is
Professor Ingo Althoefer
Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Germany
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik und Informatik
Angewandte Mathematik

The Editor for General ICGA affairs will be 
Dr. Walter Kosters
LIACS, Leiden University


This message also signals the start of a new procedure of submitting 
scientific papers (articles or notes) to the ICGA Journal.

New procedure for the Submission of scientific manuscripts 
Authors are requested to submit their manuscript electronically to the 
online submission system: 
Note that the manuscript should be uploaded as one file with tables and 
figures included.

Submission of material for the second part of the Journal should be directly 
sent to the Editor for the second part, Professor Ingo Althoefer.


We hope to have informed you well and look forward to a fruitful 
continuation of the ICGA Journal. We thank you for the very pleasant 
cooperation over many, many years.


Jaap van den Herik is grateful to the new Editorial Board for his 
appointment as Honorary Editor. He wishes the new Board Members all 
success possible.


So guys, when you have interesting tournament reports, event announcements,
book reviews, or essays, feel free to send it to me. 

By the way, one of my ideas is to have a regular (or irregular, we will see)
column "best of the computer go mailing list".

The Journal appears on paper every three months, so four issues per year. 
Typically it has 64 pages in each issue,  and costs 40 Euro per year - of 
course to be paid in advance.

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