It's one thing to know the recipe; it's another to have an industrial-size 
kitchen. Google was able to throw truly gargantuan amounts of computing 
resources at this problem. 

A few years back, a researcher - was it  Remi Coulon? - was able to scrounge a 
few thousand cores for a tournament. Google designed an ASIC specifically for 
the task of accelerating their neural networks, and made thousands of them 
available for massive tests and training.  Terry McIntyre 
<> Unix/Linux Systems Administration Taking time to do 
it right saves having to do it 

    On Thursday, January 5, 2017 9:01 AM, Stefan Kaitschick 
<> wrote:


Honestly I got a little frustrated that many people didn't think that
was AlphaGo. It was almost clear to me because I know the difficulty of
developing AlphaGo-like bots.

 I feel with you. People seem to think that the Nature paper gave away the full 

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