Thanks Ingo, Anyone will be able to watch the games on Niconico video.
Set the first language of your web browser to English and access You will be able to register (free) and will be able to watch the games. The links to the games are (11/19, 12:30 PM JST), (11/20, ditto) and (11/23, ditto). You can set (or reserve) "time shift" viewing, which allows you to watch later. Rules: Japanese rules, 6.5 pts komi, 2 hours + 3 x 60 seconds byoyomi. All three games will be played. Hardware: CPU: 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2699v4 (44 cores/2.2 GHz) GPU: 4 x nVidia Titan X (Pascal) RAM: 128GB Best, Hideki Ingo Althofer: <trinity-7a1b490a-5533-4ab9-a2b5-e252ea8e4c7d-1478695603496@3capp-gmx-bs75>: >Hi everybody, > >there was a press conference by the Zen team, announcing a three >games >match between Zen and human pro hero Cho Chiukum with games to >be played on November 19, 20, and 23. >Unfortunately for me, the announcement was in Japanese language which >I do not understand. > >For me (and likely for many in the Western world) it would be nice >if for instance Hideki Kato could explain what is to come. > >Thanks in advance, >Ingo. >_______________________________________________ >Computer-go mailing list > > -- Hideki Kato <> _______________________________________________ Computer-go mailing list