I have some data. CGOS is 19x19.
CGOS KGS Botname Time
Aya788d_p1v0_6c12t 3235 6d AyaMC 1min + 15sec x10
Aya786m_4c 2965 4d AyaMC4 1min + 15sec x10
AyaF128_507_ro_1k 2736 3d AyaBotD1 10min + 30sec x5
Aya786l_10k 2675 2d AyaMC2 10min + 30sec x5
Aya786m_5k 2564 2d AyaBot2 10min + 30sec x5
Aya786m_1k 2176 1k AyaBot01 10min + 30sec x5
Gnugo-3.7.10-a1 1800 5k
AyaBot 1392 9k AyaBot 10min + 30sec x5
This post has also some info.
guess AlphaGo's CGOS rating
Hiroshi Yamashita
----- Original Message -----
From: "Detlef Schmicker" <d...@physik.de>
To: <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 3:05 AM
Subject: [Computer-go] cgos <--> kgs rating
I wonder if somebody has the same program (with the same settings)
rated on cgos 19x19 and kgs?
I am still fighting with resigning in the case of value-network and
playouts disagree, so I can not run oakfoam on kgs, but would like to
have a strength hint :)
Thanks Detlef
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