That's pretty awesome.

I didn't think it'd approach the 100x barrier. That's shocking.
On Apr 26, 2016 9:55 PM, "David Fotland" <> wrote:

> I have my deep neural net training setup working, and it's working so well
> I
> want to share.  I already had Caffe running on my desktop machine (4 core
> i7) without a GPU, with inputs similar to AlphaGo generated by Many Faces
> into an LMDB database.  I trained a few small nets for a day each to get
> some feel for it.
> I bought an Alienware Area 51 from Dell, with two GTX 980 TI GPUs, 16 GB of
> memory, and 2 TB of disk.  I set it up to dual boot Ubuntu 14.04, which
> made
> it trivial to get the latest caffe up and running with CUDNN.  2 TB of disk
> is not enough.  I'll have to add another drive.
> I expected something like 20x speedup on training, but I was shocked by
> what
> I actually got.
> On my desktop, the Caffe MNIST sample took 27 minutes to complete.  On the
> new machine it was 22 seconds.  73x faster.
> My simple network has 42 input planes, and 4 layers of 48 filters each.
> Training runs about 100x faster on the Alienware.  Training 100k Caffe
> iterations (batches) of 50 positions takes 13 minutes, rather than almost a
> full day on my desktop.
> David
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