I fully agree with Goncalo that it would be worth investigating how
one could write an algorithm to express in English what Alpha's or
DCNNigo's nets
have learned, and a month ago (before her astonishing achievement in
March) offerred some ideas on how this might be approached in a
youtube comment on Kim's review of the Fan Hui games:

the relevant section of which is (abridged):

"a further, "higher-level" pattern leaning algorithm might be able to
induce correlation and/or implication relationships between
convolutions, enabling it to begin to develop its own ontology of
perceptions, perhaps by correlating convolution relationships with
geometric patterns on the board image. ... i look forward to the day
when someone can find a way to induce symbolic pattern descriptions of
relationships between convolutions and image patterns so that betago
(child of alpha) can explain its "thinking" in a way we can understand
and perhaps learn from too."

On 30/03/2016, Gonçalo Mendes Ferreira <go...@sapo.pt> wrote:
> Come on let's all calm down please. :)
> David I think the great challenge is in having good insight with AlphaGo
> strength. Many Faces already provides some textual move suggestions, as
> do probably other programs. Any program that doesn't use exclusively
> machine learning or global search, like GNU Go, should be able to
> suggest how it came about a move.
> Unfortunately no one has a clue on how to put into words what DCNN
> "know", to produce really meaningful and useful feedback, justifying
> decisions around candidates, etc. This is very much worth investigating.
> - Gonçalo
> On 30/03/2016 12:32, Álvaro Begué wrote:
>>> no lack of respect for DeepMind's achievement was contained in my
>>> posting; on the contrary, i was as surprised as anyone at how well she
>>> did and it gave me great pause for thought.
>> Well, you wrote this:
>>> but convolutional neural networks and monte-carlo simulators have not
>>> advanced the science of artificial intelligence one whit further than
>>> being engineered empirical validations of the 1940s-era theories of
>>> McCullough & Pitts and Ulam respectively, albeit their conjunction
>>> being a seminal validation insofar as duffing up human Go players is
>>> concerned.
>> That paragraph is disrespectful of AlphaGo and every important development
>> that it was built on. Theorists of the 40s didn't know jackshit about how
>> to make a strong go program or any other part of AI, for that matter.
>> This is like giving credit to the pre-Socratic philosophers for atomic
>> theory, or to Genesis for the Big Bang theory. I am sure there are people
>> that see connections, but no. Just no.
>> one has to expect a certain amount of abuse when going public, and to
>>> expect that eager critics will misrepresent what was said.
>> Your vast experience in the field means your opinions were formed way
>> before we knew what works and what doesn't, and are essentially worthless.
>> There, you like abuse?
>> Álvaro.
>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 6:04 AM, djhbrown . <djhbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> one has to expect a certain amount of abuse when going public, and to
>>> expect that eager critics will misrepresent what was said.
>>> no lack of respect for DeepMind's achievement was contained in my
>>> posting; on the contrary, i was as surprised as anyone at how well she
>>> did and it gave me great pause for thought.
>>> as to preconceived notions, my own notions are postconceived, having
>>> studied artificial intelligence and biological computation over 40
>>> post-doctoral years during which i have published 50 or so
>>> peer-reviewed scientific papers, some in respectable journals,
>>> including New Scientist.
>>> On 30/03/2016, Stefan Kaitschick <skaitsch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Your lack of respect for task performance is misguided imo. Your
>>>> preconceived notions of what intelligence is, will lead you astray.
>>> --
>>> patient: "whenever i open my mouth, i get a shooting pain in my foot"
>>> doctor: "fire!"
>>> http://sites.google.com/site/djhbrown2/home
>>> https://www.youtube.com/user/djhbrown
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