On 22 March 2016 at 21:43, Darren Cook <dar...@dcook.org> wrote:

< snip >

> C'mon DeepMind, put that same version on KGS, set to only play 9p
> players, with the same time controls, and let's get 40 games to give it
> a proper ranking. (If 5 games against Lee Sedol are useful, 40 games
> against a range of players with little to lose, who are systematically
> trying to find its weaknesses, are going to be amazing.)

I don't think DeepMind's real objective was to create a world Go champion.
I think it was to build an engine that could learn to perform difficult
intellectual tasks better than any human; and they chose Go for their first
test because there was a clear objective measure of success.  If I am
right, we won't see much more of their "Go engine", instead they will
direct their resources to training their general-purpose engine to do other
more useful things.

Nick Wedd      mapr...@gmail.com
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