Hello Ingo,

As far as I know,
CrazyStone used a machine 24 cores, no GPUs.
Aya used a Amazon EC2 g2.8xlarge 16 cores, 4 GPUS.
Gonanza used a mahicne 16 cores with a GTX 980 ti.
Ray used a mahicne with a GPU.
Zen and CrazyStone uses DCNN without GPU.

I'll use 4 g2.8xlarge by root parallelization.
g2.8xlarge has 16 cores, but I use only 8 cores.
GPUs are slow, so creating node is not enough.
Too many playouts looks harm for tree result.
16 threads is weaker than 8 threads by my 1sec/move test.

Hiroshi Yamashita

----- Original Message ----- From: ""Ingo Althöfer"" <3-hirn-ver...@gmx.de>
To: <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Computer-go] UEC cup 1st day result

Hello Hiroshi,

thanks for the information.

WHo are the peolbe behind CGI Go?

Which hardware is used by the top participants in UEC cup?


Gesendet: Samstag, 19. März 2016 um 14:32 Uhr
Von: "Hiroshi Yamashita" <y...@bd.mbn.or.jp>
An: computer-go@computer-go.org
Betreff: [Computer-go] UEC cup 1st day result

There are 32 participants, include one guest GNU GO.
After 7 swiss round,

1st CGI        7-0
2nd CrazyStone 6-1
3rd Zen        6-1
4th Aya        6-1
5th Gonanza    5-2
6th Ray        5-2
7th DolBaram   5-2
8th darkforest 5-2

CrazyStone lost against Zen.
Zen lost against CGI.
DolBaram lost against Ray and CGI.
darkforest lost against Zen and CrazyStone.

Top 16 programs will play tommorow tournament.
All top 8 prigrams except DolBaram? use DCNN.

Hiroshi Yamashita

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