But AlphaGo single machine is stronger than Fan Hui, since it won 8-2 in
all matches combined on one machine, as far as I understand they used
this version
On 2016-02-02 13:33, Hiroshi Yamashita wrote:
I made CGOS rating include AlphaGo.
CGOS Remi's pro rating(same as paper)
Ke Jie 4642? 3620 Strongest human
Lee Sedol 4538? 3516
AlphaGo 4162? 3140 Distributed, 1202CPUs, 176GPUs
Fan Hui 3942? 2920
AlphaGo 3912? 2890 48CPUs, 8GPUs, one machine
Zen 24core 3800??? KGS 7d, 24 cores, one machine.
Zen-10.8-2c 3485 CrazyStone-0002 3313 i7-5930K, 6 threads
Zen-10.8-1c 3299 DCNN versoin
Zen-1c-2.8G 3072
AlphaGo RL 2780? Reinforcement learning, no search
Aya786l_10k 2718 KGS 2d
darkfores2 2657? KGS 3d, no search
AlphaGo SL 2539? 1517 DCNN, no search
darkfores1 2490? KGS 2d, no search
pachi11_Pat_100k 2478
darkforest 2271? KGS 1d, no search
DCNN_Detlef54 2179 Detlef's 54%, no search
pachi11_Pat_10k 2104
DCNN-Detlef 1903 Detlef's 44%, no search
Gnugo-3.7.10-a1 1800 KGS 5k
? is guess. ??? is my anticipation.
This result is based on AlphaGo(RL) beats Pachi 100k with 85% winrate.
darkforest is also based on winrate against Pachi 100k.
Pro and computers comparison is maybe only from 8-2 result AlphaGo vs
Fan Hui. So pro is maybe more strong (or weak).
Watching this table, Zen 7d maybe play nice game against one machine
Pro rating is from Remi's site.
CGOS rating is from BayesElo.
Hiroshi Yamashita
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