Seems related to “temporal difference learning.” Each position’s max value 
should equal the next position’s min value in the asymptote, so you train the 
system accordingly.


From: Computer-go [] On Behalf Of 
Xavier Combelle
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 11:08 AM
Subject: [Computer-go] A proposition to improve neural network based on min max


I had got an idea but I don't think I'm strong enough programmer to implement 
it. (In particular I know quite nothing about neural network)

So I submit it here.

If we have a neural network which is able to evaluate all the positions of a 

The following might help to improve it.

>From a position given:

check the max value of all the evaluations

go to the next level in the tree

check the min value of all the evaluations

if the min value < max value train the network at the root level to target max 
value for the original position

else go to next level and continue


The reason why I think it could help is because the evaluation at a deeper level

should be easier and so better than at a less deep level. 

Please give all your feedback on this idea (even: it's a stupid idea/you should 
implement it are welcome)

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