Scratch that I misread.

On 09/06/2015 11:28 AM, Gonçalo Mendes Ferreira wrote:
That is clearly stated in the GTP but should also depend on the program.

There are improvements a computer Go program can make assuming it is playing only as one of the players, such as cleaning states from a transpositions table that cannot be reached anymore. I'd assume if you want to benchmark something it would be better to only have each GTP player play one of the colors, unless the authors of said program explicitly say it doesn't matter.

On 09/06/2015 08:22 AM, Ray Tayek wrote:
On 9/6/2015 12:03 AM, Hellwig Geisse wrote:
On Sa, 2015-09-05 at 23:51 -0700, Ray Tayek wrote:
i am guessing that the client should make the moves if he gets them.

does anyone know for sure?
 From the GTP specification, page 18, 6.3.3 Core Play Commands:

Consecutive moves of the same color are not considered illegal
from the protocol point of view.

thanks for the confirmation.

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