it was up for about 3 weeks now for 9x9, 19x19 and 25x25 (with a gnugo
anchor running all the time on every boardsize), with very few short
breaks (I had to reboot my system due to using a MIDI keyboard:) I am
not sure, if the bots reconnected automatically, or if the authors
reconnected the manually, maybe somebody has a feed back on this.
Not too many bots connected, but 13x13 on cgos.boardspace.net is quite
empty too.
I wonder, if it would help to put it up once a week or so, with
announcement, and take it down again, if the number of bots falls below
5 or so?
Maybe this would bring more bots connect at the same time?!
I do not have the resource (and do not want to spend the energy costs)
to keep a number of strong open source bots up, so bots from 900 to
2700ELO could use cgos with some sense.
Am 02.05.2015 um 18:18 schrieb Detlef Schmicker:
8084 for 25x25 with GnuGo 3.8 as ELO 1800 anachor is up for a while
now :)
9x9 too, (13x13 I will not set up, original cgos is running fine on
Am 02.05.2015 um 07:21 schrieb Detlef Schmicker:
I set up a CGOS server at home. It is connected via dyndns, which is
not optimal of cause :(
8080 (webinterface)
8083 (19x19, GnuGo 3.8 set to ELO 1800 as anachor)
This is mainly for testing, if I get CGOS up correctly, what to do to
have it permanently running still to be seen.
I am not able to test the connection from the outside, hopefully I
set up everything correctly.
I might stop the server for the tournament on sunday, as it is the
same machine....
future plan is:
8081 for 9x9 8082 for 13x13 and 8084 for 25x25.
(you will see on the web interface, as soon as the other boardsizes
are switched on.
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