My net should behave very similar to Christopher Clark <>, Amos Storkey <>, but I will not do a standalone player, sorry. I have integrated it into our MC tree search... In our way of integrating the net into MC Christopher Clark <>, Amos Storkey <> is significantly (>60ELO) stronger than your net (I did a net similar to yours (not all features, but last move features), with a little above 50% prediction rate), therefore I am using the net without last move feature.

But it may be, that last move features come from our original gammas anyway, which are mixed with CNN values...

Am 28.04.2015 um 18:26 schrieb Aja Huang:

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Detlef Schmicker < <>> wrote:

    I did not do any playing tests without MC! On CGOS 13x13 I have
    two players (NiceGo) with 50 and 1k playouts running at the moment...

Maybe you can play your CNN of 44% prediction rate on KGS and compare it with DCNNigo which is solid KGS 5k at the moment. Our 12-layer CNN described in the paper is 600 Elo stronger than GnuGo, about 2k on KGS.


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