My net should behave very similar to Christopher Clark
<>, Amos Storkey
<>, but I will not
do a standalone player, sorry. I have integrated it into our MC tree
In our way of integrating the net into MC Christopher Clark
<>, Amos Storkey
<> is
significantly (>60ELO) stronger than your net (I did a net similar to
yours (not all features, but last move features), with a little above
50% prediction rate), therefore I am using the net without last move
But it may be, that last move features come from our original gammas
anyway, which are mixed with CNN values...
Am 28.04.2015 um 18:26 schrieb Aja Huang:
On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Detlef Schmicker <
<>> wrote:
I did not do any playing tests without MC! On CGOS 13x13 I have
two players (NiceGo) with 50 and 1k playouts running at the moment...
Maybe you can play your CNN of 44% prediction rate on KGS and compare
it with DCNNigo which is solid KGS 5k at the moment. Our 12-layer CNN
described in the paper is 600 Elo stronger than GnuGo, about 2k on KGS.
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