On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 04:49:04PM +0100, Urban Hafner wrote:
> Awesome, Petr. I haven't programmed in Python for a long time (I like Ruby
> better), but I think I should be able to understand it without a problem.
> It seems like a good starting point to see how UCT is implemented (I still
> haven't gotten around to it for my bot https://github.com/ujh/iomrascalai)
> and how to properly implement a board structure (it's quite slow at the
> moment).

I'm afraid you won't get a good inspiration about properly implementing
a board structure.  That would make the code a lot more complicated and
much longer!

And, uh, the program actually does not implement UCT. ;-)  It uses RAVE
exclusively for exploration (like Pachi).  I have just pushed out
a branch "uct" which includes the UCB1 exploration term, it seemed
ok in 40 games against GNUGo but I wasn't impressed in its performance
on KGS at all (michibot2) and sadly I don't have resources to test it
further, so I'm leaving it in a side branch.

                                Petr Baudis
        If you do not work on an important problem, it's unlikely
        you'll do important work.  -- R. Hamming
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