I had a look into the sourced of cgos server.

If I understand them correctly, one must put the anchors directly into the database. The sources do not seem to have a configuration
option for this?!

As the old database is used, as far as I understood it, person running the anchors years ago could just reconnect their anchors, and they should be recognized. It might even be possible for somebody, who can make it sure to run the anchor in the future to just connect with the old anchor name and choose a pw, but I did not try, as I can not make sure to run it all time. There is a 6-month remark in the source, but I am not sure if this also removes passwords...

This is from the source:
if {![file exists $database_state_file]} {

    sqlite3 db $database_state_file

    db eval {
    create table gameid(gid int);
create table password(name, pass, games int, rating, K, last_game, primary key(name) ); create table games(gid int, w, wr, b, br, dte, wtu, btu, res, final, primary key(gid));
    create table anchors(name, rating, primary key(name));
    create table clients( name, count );
    INSERT into gameid VALUES(1);

    db close

Am 17.01.2015 um 15:24 schrieb Detlef Schmicker:
You are right, I too often read 3.7 in the past, but actually the papers using 3.8 now:)

Am 17.01.2015 um 12:08 schrieb Urban Hafner:
On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Detlef Schmicker <d...@physik.de <mailto:d...@physik.de>> wrote:

    Seems a good idea to me. It is a quasi standard in publishing, so
    why not set Gnugo-3.7.10 at level 10 to 1800ELO on every board size?!

Why 3.7.10 and not 3.8? IIRC all Gnu projects use the odd numbered point releases as unstable releases. BTW, I've configured my computer to run GnuGo 3.8 Level 10 on the 13x13 server. It should run most of the time, but I'd be happy to hand over the account to someone why can actually run it 24/7.

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