Lets make it al a bit more practical

in 7x7 go under perfect play and without komi black wins by 9 points.

if Black passes on the first move then under the same perfect play
white wins with 9 points (again without komi)

Does that mean that the value of the first move is 18 points?

2010/2/11 Jean-loup Gailly <jl...@gailly.net>:
>> Yours is not a proof because what follows is not just a single move
>> of value x but a game tree of moves of various sizes,
> So let me try to be more precise.
> Assume a 19x19 no-handicap game played by perfect players with
> New Zealand rules with komi k. k is chosen as the largest value N+0.5
> (with N integer) which guarantees a win by black.  k exists because
> with New Zealand rules the game is finite.  Black cannot win by an
> infinite amount of points, so there is an upper bound for k, therefore
> k exists.
> Now give the choice to black to either play the first move, or pass
> and receive x extra points, x constrained to be an integer.  Let m be
> the smallest value of x that black will accept to pass instead of
> playing, and still be sure of winning. m exists because the game is
> finite, and black being perfect can determine m exactly.
> m is my definition of the value of the first move. I am not attempting
> to define the value of subsequent moves, and not assuming that these
> values decrease constantly. I am only interested in the relation
> between m and k.
> If black passes, black has m points, white has k points, white to
> play. White playing perfectly for maximum score will lose by exactly
> 0.5 point. If white is given one extra point, white would be exactly
> in the position that black was at initially: next to play and
> guaranteed to win by 0.5. The player next to move on the empty board
> and with a guaranteed 0.5 win has a cash deficit of k points in the
> first case (black to play) and m-(k+1) points in the other (black
> passed and white to play).  So k = m-(k+1) or m = 2*k+1.
> Again the above analysis only considers the game theoretical value of
> the empty board, not any subsequent position.  I welcome any
> correction if there is a flaw in my reasoning (which is quite
> possible).
> Jean-loup
> 2010/2/11 Robert Jasiek <jas...@snafu.de>
>> Jean-loup Gailly wrote:
>>> I would write the proof as follows.
>>> Assume x is the value of one move
>> Yours is not a proof because what follows is not just a single move of
>> value x but a game tree of moves of various sizes, which need not even
>> decrease constantly. Many years ago, Barry Phease was a bit farther by
>> assuming a constant decrement and forming a sum. His was not a proof either
>> because sizes of moves in the paths of the game tree need not decrease
>> constantly.
>> Rather than being proofs, such arguments are plausible approximations.
>> --
>> robert jasiek
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