> I'm sure many people are curious - MoGo(TW?) doesn't participate much
> in computer tournaments nowadays, are you working on some new exciting
> things or is the project mostly asleep right now? :-)

Competitions are very boring and time consuming. Other people from the mogo-team
can participate in tournaments if they want to, but for me I prefer to
work on improvements, and in particular I prefer to try "big" changes
(which fail 97% of the time) than small changes which provide
negligible improvements. When there are computations every 2 months,
the small improvements often take all the place.

There are works in progress around MoGo:
- We'd like to have an "almost" solving of 9x9 Go, by working in
particular on a huge
   opening book. Nonetheless, there's still a lot of work on that. For
example, MoGoTW
   can play very stupid move if the opponent makes a stupid opening
move, and
   removing this would be great.

- As many people, we would really like to have learning from one
branch of the tree
   to another. We have some things which provide a few percents improvements,
   but we are a bit tired of this kind of "small" improvements, and
I'd like a "big"

- Also, we have many applications in progress in other fields, from
classical artificial
   intelligence tasks (like expensive optimization or active learning)
or for completely
   industrial tasks (like my favorite application, namely power management)

- We also try to automatize the building and validation of patterns or
UCT formula -
    something which is important far beyond Go. However, for Go, this
is clearly not
    very important - mogo and all strong programs are by far too optimized for
    improving a lot by empirical tuning. For partially observable
games, things are very
    different I think - as pointed out in some nice papers tuning
becomes the main
    thing in very difficult frameworks like partially observable
games, making them
    quite interesting as a benchmark.

I guess some of these goals are shared by many people in this mailing
list, so I'm
sorry for this long email with probably nothing very original in it :-)
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