
It has been some time since you made this. Did you have to make changes to any of the original Fuego files? I'm asking because I'm trying to figure out what would go wrong if I dumped current Fuego files into the Windows-buildable source that you provided.

Jacques BasaldĂșa wrote:
I have made a native Windows Fuego build compiled with MS Visual Studio 2008.

Thanks to the Fuego team for making such a nice program free software !!

I will use it to measure some tree metrics to tune my own program and for a validation experiment for an evaluation function I have developed. I will post results when I have any.

To test the binary I made it play on todays KGS tournament and won 1 game of 3 against
MFOG and 1 game of 3 against Aya + all the other games.

It was running on an overclocked (3.6 GHz) i7.

The settings were:

uct_param_search max_nodes 12500000
uct_param_player reuse_subtree 1
uct_param_player ponder 1
go_rules kgs
sg_param time_mode real
uct_param_search number_threads 8
uct_param_search lock_free 1
uct_param_search virtual_loss 1
uct_param_search number_playouts 2

The binary does around 36k games/sec in the opening rising to 50-60k later. Which is a lot more than the 23.5K of the cygwin version. AFAIK it works Ok with multithreading with
and without locking. It is also much smaller and has no .dll dependencies.

If someone wants to test it more, it is here:


And the source code Windows developers always dreamt of but were too shy to ask ;-)

(All relevant parts of boost included, 0 static lib dependencies, 0 dynamic lib dependencies,
compiles with MS Visual Studio 2008 0 errors 0 warnings.)


(Compressed with 7z. 7z is free software available at: http://www.7-zip.org/ The command line version is the best option if you don't like programs integrating in Explorer.)

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