Nick Wedd: <>:
>Many thanks to Hideki Kato for providing the results of the UEC Cup. For 
>those who cannot read Japanese, this is invaluable.
>I wonder if anyone knows what happened in the GPW Cup, played in Hakone 
>two weeks earlier?

Thank you very much and please forgive me, the lazy director of GPW 
Cup :).

Name:   The 3rd GPW Cup 9 x 9 Computer Go Tournament
Date:   13th and 14th November, 2009
Place:  Hakone, Japan
Boardsize:      9
Rules:  Chinese rules (area scoring)
Komi:   7.0
Ko:     Simple ko
Time:   15 minutes sudden death
Type:   Round robin
Participants:   1 person (Muramatsu) and 10 programs
Countries:      Taiwan (Coldmilk) and Japan

Rank    Name            Author                          Score*
1       Zen             Yamato                          18
2       Aya             Hiroshi Yamashita               17
3       Coldmilk        S-J. Yen, C-W. Chou (NDHU)      16
4       Muramatsu       Masakazu Muramatsu (UEC)        14
4       nomitan Team nomitan (JAIST)            14
6       PerStone        Satohiro Kadowaki (UEC) 8
7       Rock            Natsuki Iwakawa (UEC)   7
7       Cascades        Tomofumi Otsuki         7
9       leeGO2          Team Kyutech (Kyutech)  4
10      Kasumi          Kazuko Manabe (UEC)             3
11      Katsunari       Shinich Sei                     2

*Win 2, draw 1, lose 0 points for each game.
Katsunari used alpha-beta search and the others used MCTS.

NDHU: National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan)
UEC: The University of Electro-Communications
Kyutech: Kyushu Institute of Technology

Game records (49 of 55):

Pictures will be available soon.

Random comments:
Zen lost one game with nomitan in round 9.

Aya had a draw with leeGO2 in round 3 due to a wrong komi setting and 
lost shared win.

Prof. Muramatsu, a strong amateur player, lost three games with the 
top three programs, Zen, Aya and Coldmilk.

-- (Kato)
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