29, turning into a won ko, really is a great way to play.
It would be interesting to know if MoGo perceived itself to be on the home
stretch here.
So it would be great to have the bots win rate estimations as sgf comments.
----- Original Message -----
From: Olivier Teytaud
To: computer-go
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:38 PM
Subject: [computer-go] First ever win of a computer against a pro 9P asblack
(game of Go, 9x9).
Dear all, some comments by my Taiwanese colleagues about the game played by
MoGo against the 9p pro:
1) mogoTW finally ran on the 16*8 system on Oct. 26, 2009.
2) Contributors for which I did not know their real name: "Hsien-Der Huang"
and "Cheng-Wei Chou" (sorry for them!)
3) Some comments by the pro, translated by people from Taiwan:
He told the jounalists that he made a mistake on move 26, which is a move
that it is hard to find such kind an error (move 26) even for a professional Go
player. However, he was so surprised that MoGoTW found this mistake that he
made during the game. That means the level of MoGoTW in 9x9 game has made an
improvement than last time (08/2009).
In addition, he also told the journalists that MoGoTW made a good move at
Move 29. He thought that the main reason that MoGoTW won the game was Move 29
and MoGoTW didn't make any mistake after Move 29.
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