Łukasz Lew wrote:
> If the weight in RAVE formula is near 1 in one child of tree and near
> 0 in other then you basically compare RAVE value to regular average
> value, which might be comparing apples to oranges.

Yes, and this can cause problems in practice. There's been some
discussion of this before.

In positions where the RAVE values tend to be too high, the effect is
that moves with few visits will be favoured, which will then equalise
the RAVE weight again. The effect is rather like temporarily increasing
the exploration coefficient, and nothing very bad happens.

But in positions where the RAVE values are too low (which mostly means
positions where the current player is winning), the effect is worse: the
program will be reluctant to explore different moves, and this time
there is positive feedback (the RAVE weights will diverge) and so the
situation won't correct itself.

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