I had never considered using AMAF with larger pattern. That's an interesting idea. Perhaps a 5-vertex cross-shaped pattern or a 3x3 pattern. Has anyone tried
Magnus Persson wrote:
Probably 1x1 patterns implies that different priorities are assigned to
the absolute position of empty moves. AMAF can be seen this way. AMAF
learns statistics of 1x1 patterns if the move is played in the playout
but ignores all information surrounding the move at the time it is
played. Another example would be to have lower priorities for the moves
at the first and second line.
Quoting Peter Drake <dr...@lclark.edu>:
I've seen reference in some papers to 1x1 patterns. What does that even
mean? A point is either black, white, or vacant, and it's illegal to
play there unless it's vacant.
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