Hi Don,

Will a webpage change?
In particular, will we get access to archived games?


2009/6/22 Don Dailey <dailey....@gmail.com>:
> The new cgos server is almost ready - but needs some more polishing up.
> I have an instance of it running while testing 50 programs using 3 different
> computers and it appears to be robust so far, after fixing some bugs of
> course.
> I am trying to crash it by killing the connections and killing the processes
> and anything malicious I can do.   So far so good.
> It's a single server, not separate servers.   For instance this one server
> could support many different board sizes and/or time controls, etc.  These I
> call "venues" and each is handled as if it's running on a separate server
> even though it isn't.  Even login names and passwords are separate as is the
> rating systems.
> It's coded in C and it really feels fast.   Low memory, low CPU overhead and
> very resource friendly.
> It's not quite ready yet,  but I will probably be calling for some testing
> soon.   I want to take the old CGOS off-line and run this one a few days to
> work out any glitches before going official with it.      The client (and
> any clients that any of you have built) will require a very simple
> modification.    I was able to change the regular CGOS client in just a
> minute or two.    The modification is required to support venues (to specify
> which board size you want to play on.)
> I will make it so the old client will still work but the venue will be a
> specified default (which will be 9x9, 5 minutes.)
> I plan to let the server itself play games too,  but only to fill out the
> case where there are no players available.  You will be able to play on any
> ODD board size from 9x9 to 19x19 although it probably won't be much fun
> unless there are a few others playing on those boards too, but you would
> always be able to get a game even if it was by the weak server player.
> I'm of course interested in an algorithms for playing relatively strong move
> instantly for the server.   Something along the lines of Lardo, which has no
> search and does not do simulations or anything iterative or recursive like
> this.   Just a set of trivial rules.   Lardo is about 700 ELO on 9x9,
> substantially stronger than random of course.    I may experiment with
> bulding such a bot.   The initial server fill in player may play mostly
> random however until I take the time to do this.    I don't remember the
> rules I used in Lardo, and I don't even know if I still have the source code
> for it,  but I think the rules are documented in this forum somewhere.
> Boardsize 9 will be 5 minutes and each additional odd board size higher will
> add 2 minutes.    As it turns out, this works out for 19x19 to be 15
> minutes.
> Currently,  I plan to use komi of 7.5 for everything.   It seems like this
> is a reasonable choice since both the 9x9 and 19x19 server are using 7.5.
> - Don
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