Try this link
(not sure if it works if you don't have an account).

Personally I'm really annoyed by many of these bots, because they do
not resign and play all possible forcing moves so
the games can be really long which is an issue on turn based servers.

Moreover they enter tournaments, so if you want to play in them you
have to play with these bots.

Lukasz Lew

On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 20:29, Michael
Williams<> wrote:
> Are the games archived?  Does the public have access to those archives?
> Ingo Althöfer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> some time ago I had asked if discussions on "computer Havannah" were
>> welcome here in the list.
>> The reactions were positive, but (by different
>> reasons) actors preferred not to use the opportunity.
>> In the meantime a "computer Havannah" scene has
>> developed on the game server
>> There it is possible to play Havannah on many different
>> board sizes (side lengths 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).
>> Active programmers are Thomas Reinhardt (D, with TOBRT), Richard Lorentz
>> (US, with Wanderer), Richard Pijl (NL, with
>> gambler), ab (=anonymous, D, with havai). On small boards (4 and 5) the
>> computers are doing really well in the meantime,
>> but from size 6 on their games look strange.
>> It is also possible to run  *** GO  bots *** there, for instance
>> Gnugo is doing so.
>> ****************************************************
>> Some more information on LittleGolem:
>> * Registration is required, but it is without cost, easy,
>> and without complications.
>> * Thinking time per move is 36 hours in the average (with
>> a buffer of 240 hours; and 20 days of vacation per year).
>> * It is good style to choose names of the type "xxx_c" for computer
>> accounts. If you do not do this, you should write at least in the profile
>> that a computer is playing.
>> * Some participants on LittleGolem are not playing, but only
>> participating in the interesting fora (one general forum; one
>> special forum for each game). For new players it reqires to
>> have some games completed, otherwise you can not write, but only
>> read. (This is a measure against spam bots.)
>> * At the moment there is, for each player, only one go rating (showing
>> performance on 9, 13, 19) and only one Havannah performance,
>> mixed over all board sizes. But I think there is some hope that this
>> general rating will be split in size-dependent ratings again.
>> Feel free to join LittleGolem.
>> Ingo.
>> PS: My account on Little Golem is "Ingo Althofer".
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