In my system, I can retrieve the children of any node at a rate of about 100k
And I can save nodes at a rate of over 1M nodes/sec (this is much faster
because in my implementation, the operation is sequential on disk).
Those numbers are from 6x6 testing.
Don Dailey wrote:
This is probably a good solution. I don't believe the memory has to be
very fast at all because even with light playouts you are doing a LOT of
computation between memory accesses.
All of this must be tested of course. In fact I was considering if
disk memory could not be utilized as a kind of cache. The secret would
be to store complete trees in disk memory, trees that are not likely to
be utilized but can be utilized in a pinch. The tree store and
retrieved must outweigh by a large factor the amount of time spent
creating the tree in the first place in order for this to pay off.
My guess is that this is impractical, but it's fun to think about how it
might be done. I'm not sure how to do it without having a caching
- Don
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Michael Williams
< <>> wrote:
Don Dailey wrote:
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Michael Williams
<>>> wrote:
I have a trick ;)
I am currently creating MCTS trees of over a billion nodes on
my 4GB
Ok, I'll bite. What is your solution?
I use an SSD. There are many details, of course. But it's still in
the works and I'm still making lots of changes and adjustments. I
seem to be able to "solve" (there are lots of definitions) 6x6 Go in
that when I use a komi of 3.5, it is unable to find a winning line
for white and when I use 4.5, it is unable to find a winning line
for black.
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