The Fuego documentation doesn't seem to contain any information about 
command-line options (if there are any).

Ian Osgood wrote:

On May 8, 2009, at 11:57 AM, Ech Naton wrote:

> Hello > I made a binary of Fuego 0.3.2 for Intel Mac. It is build on OS X 10.4. > So I don't know if it runs also under 10.5. But since it is not that easy to build,
 > maybe somebody is interested in a ready executable.
> > Simply unzip the files in a directory and call fuego032 from your GTP client.
 > There is no need for library installation or root rights.
> > Regards Patrick

Thank you very much! Works fine under Sente Goban (tested on OS X 10.4).

1. Preferences > Players > New Player > Program (GTP)
Give path to fuego032, and any arguments for setting number of threads and such.
  (Can you set any of the GTP settings from the command line?)
  (You can create multiple instances with different settings if you wish.)

There is no interface for editing the name (Anonymous), so quit and edit the prefs by hand.
  a. quit and edit ~/Library/Preferences/ch.sente.Goban.plist
  b. edit Players > (class GobanGTPPlayer) > object > name
  c. change string to "Fuego 0.3.2"
  d. save and restart Goban

2. New > Info > Rules and Players
  You can change the players at the bottom
  as well as the board size, handicap, and komi.
(Rules are stuck on Japanese and time controls are disabled for some reason)
  These settings are retained for subsequent games.



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