Once again, I found it right after sending that. Copied here if anyone else
Score position with all stones safe and only simple eyes.
This is a fast scoring function (e.g. suitable for Monte-Carlo), that can be used if playing continues as long as there are legal moves which do not fill the
player's single point eyes. All stones are considered safe, all empty points must be single empty points surrounded by one color. The score is counted using 1
point for all black stones or empty points with only black stones adjacent, and -1 point for white stones or empty points with only white stones adjacent. Komi
of board is taken into account.
Michael Williams wrote:
What is the meaning of the value returned by uct_score?
Martin Mueller wrote:
How do you set the number of threads that you want Fuego to use?
E.g. for 4 threads
uct_param_search number_threads 4
This can go e.g. in a config file, or you can set it in GoGui in the
Uct Param Search dialog.
You could also play with pondering on, and reuse the subtree from the
previous search.
Also, if you have memory, you can increase the node limit.
uct_param_player ponder 1
uct_param_player reuse_subtree 1
uct_param_search max_nodes 10000000
Does the windows version support multiple threads?
It should.
Please test and report.
Thank you
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