GNU Go won the tournament at the US Go Congress against several MC programs including Many Faces and Leela, but the Many Faces that competed was not quite the newest. David Fotland was working on the program while in Portland and only got the multi-core (to use both cores of a duo) working after the tournament.

By some stroke of luck for him, after the tournament GNU Go was not turned off and sat waiting for more games against Many Faces. David played his multi-threaded multi-core version against GNU Go and all of those games were won by Many Faces. I do not recall the number of games he played before he went home.


On 27, Oct 2008, at 12:05 PM, Ian Osgood wrote:

Now that Leela and Many Faces v12 are available for any Windows user to purchase and run (and Fuego is free to tinker with), has anyone tried them against the old guard of commercial programs? KCC Igo, Haruka, Go++, and HandTalk haven't competed in a while so it is hard to tell how much better MC is than the previous state of the art. (For that matter, it isn't a foregone conclusion that they are better; GNU Go won the 2008 US computer go tournament against a field MC programs.)

Alternatively, I wonder whether Hiroshi Yamashita has tested his stronger AyaMC against his stable of commercial programs (as he previously did in 2007 using GNU Go).

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