On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 14:40 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>         11.  When selecting moves to play in the actual game (not playouts)
>         superko is checked and forbidden.
> positional superko (as opposed to situational superko).

Thank you.  I forgot to specify which.

- Don

> - Dave Hillis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
> Sent: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 9:11 am
> Subject: [computer-go] simple MC reference bot and specification
> On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 13:33 +0100, Claus Reinke wrote:
> > I have a rough idea of what that might be. And I suspect that keeping
> > this
> > "de facto standard" implicit has been hiding some actual differences
> > in what
> > different people think that standard is. Some of my questions arise
> > from trying
> > to pin down where and why different authors have different ideas of
> > what "the"
> > standard is. If there has been some explicit standardisation since
> > those papers
> > were published, I'd be interested in a pointer to that standard and
> > its rationale.
> I'm going to publish a real simple java reference program and some docs
> to go with it and a program to "test" it for black box conformance.
> (Actually, it will test 2 or more and compare them.)   I would like to
> get someone who writes better than I do to write up the standard in less
> casual language but it goes something like this:
>   1. A complete game playing program so it can also be tested in real
> games.
>   2. Play uniformly random moves except to 1 pt eyes and avoiding simple
> ko.  When a move is otherwise not possible,  pass.
>   3.  Playout ends after 2 consecutive pass moves (1 for each side.)
>   4.  1 pt eye is an empty point surrounded by friendly stones for the
> side to move.  Additionally, we have 2 cases.  If the stone is NOT on
> any edge (where the corner is an edge) there must be no more than one
> diagonal enemy stone.    If the point in question is on the edge, there
> must be NO diagonal enemy stones.  
>   5.  In the playouts, statistics are taken on moves played during the
> playouts.   If the move is played FIRST (during the playout) by the side
> to move it is one data point and the win loss record is maintained.  
>   6.  The move with the highest statistical win rate is the one selected
> for move in the actual game.
>   7.  In the case of moves with even scores a random selection is made. 
>   8.  Pass move are never selected as the final move to play unless no
> other non-eye filling move is possible.  
>   9.  Random number generator is unspecified - your program should
> simply pass the black box test and as a further optional test your
> program should score close to 50% against other "properly implemented"
> programs. 
>  10.  Suicide not allowed in the playouts or in games it plays.  
>  11.  When selecting moves to play in the actual game (not playouts)
> superko is checked and forbidden.
>  12.  If a move has NO STATS taken (which is highly unlikely unless you
> do very few playouts) it is ignored for move selection.  
> Did I miss anything?  I would like to get feedback and agreement on
> this.   
> Please note - a few GTP commands will be added in order to instrument
> any conforming programs.   Haven't figured those out yet,  but it will
> be designed so that it can report number of nodes, number of playouts,
> average score of playouts, etc.   So the tester may set up some position
> and a ko,  and ask for statistics based on the number of specified
> playouts.
> - Don
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