Like David pointed out, cycles can be very complex. In theory. But with random playouts I believe only triple-ko is possible. And rare at that. The reason is simple: it will only keep going on if there's no choice. Otherwise a deviation will be played at some point, reducing the situation. For there to be no choice I believe it can only be triple ko. It means all empty points are either a single eye or part of the ko. Of the three moves in the ko, one is forbidden by the direct ko detection, one is suicide so only one choice remains.

I don't do super-ko detection at all. In MC playouts I have a move- limit which is three times the boardsize. In practice this limit is almost never reached. I believe not even once in a thousand full games. So in practice it has a pretty negligable effect.

Of course the situation can get different if you impose more rules on the playout. If for example you disallow certain types of self-atari or make the move selection more deterministic in some way more types of cycles may become possible.

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