Hi Don,

As I said it is confusing :). limitTreeSize does not make much sense
since collectorLimitTreeSize, so it is more or less historical. Just
put limitTreeSize to something bigger to collectorLimitTreeSize, and
just forget about it. collectorLimitTreeSize is the size where the
garbage collection occurs, it is the only interesting variable, but if
limitTreeSize is smaller than that, then the garbage collection will
not occur. Sorry for the confusion.


2008/2/1, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Sylvain,
> These 2 parameters are confusing to me.   --collectorLimitTreeSize
> sounds like it limits the tree size to whatever your setting are,  but
> so does  --limitTreeSize.     What is the difference between a tree and
> a collector tree?
> I assume the collector is a garbage collector of some sort?    My guess
> is that the collector limit is the largest tree allowed after collection
> and the --limitTreeSize is how big it must get before collection?
> - Don
> Sylvain Gelly wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > With such a large number of playouts, the tree size limit (and so
> > heavy pruning) is certainly a possible hypothesis. The simplest way to
> > test it would be to run the same MoGo_17 or _18 with a much bigger
> > tree (taking more memory). --collectorLimitTreeSize is by default
> > 400000 (number of nodes). If you want to increase beyond 1000000, you
> > should also add --limitTreeSize 2000000 (this limitTreeSize does not
> > make much sense with the pruning, but it is a hard limit which,
> > whatever happens, will not be reached... modulo bugs ;))
> >
> > Sylvain
> >
> > 2008/1/31, Janzert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >> I haven't seen anyone else mention this, although I may have missed it
> >> in one of the previous discussions.
> >>
> >> I find it pretty amazing that both Mogo and Fatman are leveling off at
> >> exactly, or almost exactly, the same number of playouts (i.e. Fatman lvl
> >> 14 == Mogo lvl 18 == 8388608 playouts). Could it simply be that they
> >> have run out of memory to build a larger tree and are starting to prune
> >> branches that would become critical if they had the space to explore them?
> >>
> >> Janzert
> >>
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