He stated that there is a depth limit in FatMan.  IMO, it is quite likely that 
is the limiting factor.

Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 17:41 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
This is in response to a few posts about the "self-test" effect in ELO
rating tests.
So my assertion is that scalability based on sound principles is more or
less universal with perhaps a small amount of  self-play distortion, but
nothing to get too excited about.

You've also hypothesized in the past that a scalable program will
remain scalable.  But then why was FatMan scalable for so long and then
flattened out, but MoGo didn't?  So I think you can excuse people for
reserving some doubt, though in general I find your scalability
arguments persuasive.

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